We are now well into post-production, and among our many tasks is completing the scanning of the many great photographs we have of Eileen and her family and friends over her long life. This is a black-and-white of her with her sister, Phyllis -- undated, but looks to be circa World War II.
Meanwhile, I have completed a very rough draft of the screenplay. Rough -- but I am pleased. The structure looks good, with a nice narrative arc. I am particularly happy with the beginning, which will bring the viewer quite literally (and dramatically) behind the hedgerow, into Eileen's mansion and world. And the supporting cast is just marvelous, with one-of-a-kind performances of people who have rarely, if ever, been put on camera, among them the fabulous Betty "Boop" Blake and Yusha Auchincloss.
-- Wayne, on a frigid January morning.
Image courtesy of Margy Slocum Quinn